
REMINDER - NB Important massage regarding my blog going private on 22/05/2015

Please don't forget to send me an email (viviennesmith68@gmail.com) so that I can add your email address to the blog settings and send you a link for access to my blog once it goes private on 22/05/2015, today.

You will receive an emailed linked from me once it is private and then all you have to do is follow the instructions.

A copy of my original message regarding my blog going private:

NB Important massage regarding my blog going private on 22/05/2015
Unfortunately I have had to make the decision of changing the privacy settings of my blog from public to private.  This is as a result of companies picking up on words in a blog and spamming me with advertising in the comments section under a blog. eg I have typed something along the lines of 'making a change in my life' and I get spammed by a paint company offering to change my life by me contacting them to paint my house.  A little insensitive to say the least.

What this means is

You will need to send me an email so that I can enter your email into my privacy settings so that you have access to the blog.  The email address associated with my blog is viviennesmith68@gmail.com

I do understand that there are people that I do not know who read my blog as well as many of Jimmy's colleagues at other branches who I have never met.  Please do not feel weird sending me an email asking for access, I really love the fact that you are all following Jimmy's journey and would love that you continue to do so.  I myself follow quite a few blogs and do not know the authors.
All you need to do is drop me an email to the above email address and say 'please add me to Jimmy's blog' with your name in case I cant tie the email address up with you. 

For each address I enter, the google account associated with this address will be given access to view my blog.  If your address in not associated with an account, you will be sent an invitation email link allowing you to do one of 3 things:

1)  Sign in to an existing account
2)  Create a new account
3)  View my blog as a guest (no account required)

In the first two cases, you will be given permission to view my blog whenever you are signed in to your google account.  As a guest, you will be able to continue viewing my blog through the link in the invitation email (so don't delete the email), but this will expire after 30 days.  After that, you will need a new invitation i.e. you will need to send me an email again.

Please can you pass this message on to anyone you know that reads the blog in case they miss this post, specially Jimmy's colleagues at Komatsu and if his colleagues can please let any Komatsu customers know who read the blog.  I will do a couple of reminders before I change the settings on the 22 May 2015. 

So...all you have to do is send me an email to
viviennesmith68@gmail.com and I will send you the link.  Once you click on and open the link it will tell you what to do.

.......and Friday means than Jimmy gets home tonight from his first business trip.

Have a great weekend

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