
Tuesday, 26th May

Gosh, I type the date and wonder where the year is going!

Right, so now my blog is private and you are reading this because you have access.  I would appreciate it if you still just spread the word as a couple have bounced back and it's difficult to keep track of who is on now.  I wanted to load them all from my email address so that I could tick them off and have a checklist but too many readers sent me last minute sms's, whatsapps and fb chat messages so they are all over the place now.

Jimmy got home from his business trip on Friday evening and looked very relaxed saying that it was awesome to see everyone again.  He managed to catch an earlier flight home and was bumped up to business class.  Some people have all the luck!!....some people deserve some luck :) On Saturday morning he went through to the hospital to see what his blood counts look like.  He couldn't remember whites and reds but the sister said they were fine.  His platelets were 25 so they are coming up slowly and then he went into high care on Sunday morning for a platelet transfusion.

We went to rugby again on Saturday evening which was also nice and social.  Once Jimmy got home from hospital on Sunday we popped through to Rohan and Patsy for tea and some delicious treats.  I spent most the weekend cleaning out cupboards.  Something I had planned to do in the year that Jimmy was off but just never got around to doing so very long overdue.  I am still not finished but have hit a bit of a slump now.

Megan and I went through to Capago with all her paperwork for her Schengen Visa on Thursday morning and we collected it yesterday morning.  Amazing service once again.  On Thursday she has her appointment at the US Consulate and hopefully this visa will also come back in a few day because she was supposed to leave this Thursday already.  I would say we are looking at her going next Thursday.

My Mom and Dad are in Cape Town for the week.  I had a lengthy chat with them both on Sunday morning but they never mentioned a thing about coming so this was a nice surprise.  We went shopping together yesterday and had lunch at Blue Route.  I really miss not having my mom close by to do mother-daughter things with so I love and really appreciate these times together.

Jimmy went by the hospital this morning to have his monthly Zobone infusion and he phoned to tell me his platelets are 29 today.  He was having another platelet transfusion too.  Seems like they trying to boost them a bit.  I've just spoken to him and he is still at the clinic.  Seems they had a problem trying to get the platelets in due to the deterioration of his veins.  I'm really not surprised and wander just how many times he has been pricked in the last 14 months.  I always joke and tell him if he lies down on our lawn and I stick the hosepipe in his mouth he would make a good sprinkler.

It's nearly winter in Cape Town and the weather has certainly already changed to winter weather.  We are already experiencing cold, wet and windy days.  Our boots and jackets have come out of hiding and our winter bedding is on the bed.  And so is my crochet blanket which I made and it looks pretty smart, even if I say so myself.

And so life has pretty much come back to normal.  Apart from the fact that doing medical aid recons is now a daily thing.  On Friday last week 93 medical aid claims came through in one batch.  All the different departments that Jimmy sees and has dealings with are mostly rather slack at using the correct ICD10 codes so the claims get rejected. We are talking figures of around R100 000,00 per statement! It takes a lot of following up and phone calls to sort this out but I suppose this is par for the course. 

Have a great week everyone


John said...

Thanks for including me. I am happy for you and Jimmy. Be well.

Vivienne Smith said...

Pleasure John, I hope you are well.

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