
Friday, 12th September

I have been putting off doing an update but I thought I best get it done tonight because before I know it, the weekend will be over.

Jimmy had chemo on Thursday and thanks to the Neupogen injections his white bloods have come right up from 1.6 to 10.4.  This does only last a few days as Thursday's chemo will bring them down again but at least he was able to have chemo on Thursday.  Monday is his last treatment of the 2nd cycle which means we will be half way.  Cycle 3 will start the following Monday.

We have had some other, not so good news.  The results of the M protein bloods (these are basically the bad cancer cells) which they took at the end of the 1st cycle have come back and unfortunately Jimmy's reading has gone up from 19 to 23.  This is very frustrating and so disappointing.  I had a chat to Dr Fine but she basically said she would discuss it with Prof and they will decide if anything with regards to his treatment needs to be changed.  I did not hear from her or Prof today so we will probably see either of them on Monday.

We have really just taken this information and tucked it away for now.  Hopefully we will have some answers on Monday, although we have come to understand that it is hard to answer anything when it comes to cancer. We remain positive that when they do the M protein bloods at the end of this cycle these numbers will have dropped and that hopefully Jimmy's body just needed  two cycles of Doxorubicin to get everything kick started.


Unknown said...

Hi Vivienne
I had such a lump in my throat as I was reading your blog. Then I decided ‘HECK NO!’ there will be no tears, as I believe that even though Jimmy’s bad cancer cell count is up he will kick its toosh from here to Timbuktu and back! Remember that even though it feels like it sometimes, you and Jimmy are not FIGHTING alone! There are people right across the country praying for you both and there is power in PRAYER!
You may feel down for a while but then you have to pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Stupid cancer is not going to take away your smile, your pride, your dignity or your loved ones soul!!!
Please let us know how you both are doing.
Remember that we have you and Jimmy in our prayers.
Cheryl xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Today is the 16th and it's Jimmy's 50th Birthday. Whoop whoop. Please pass on Bryan's and my congratulations. We hope that he is having an ok day as is to be expected and praying that next year's birthday will be an even better one. Love, Bryan and Sharon

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