
Sunday, 22nd February

Day 52 - Stem Cell Transplant

It seems that the dark clouds just don't want to blow away.

Jimmy woke up this morning complaining of chest pains so they did x-rays of his chest and he has got Pneumonia.  Unfortunately Dr Fine did her rounds very early this morning so I missed her.  I do not know how bad it is but the sister did tell me that he will be having a CT scan tomorrow.  I also don't know what they will be scanning or why.  Apparently he spiked temperatures right through the night.  He also had quite a lot of blood in his urine again.

Apart from this I actually thought that Jimmy was a bit better today.  He still slept a lot but when I got there the TV was on so he must have been watching the cricket.  I managed to get him to have about a third of a bowl of soup for lunch and he had quite a few sips of juice today.  He also spoke more today than he was for quite a while.

He didn't really react when the sister was telling me about the Pneumonia and when I left he said "so we getting there".  I agreed and said yes we are but I am not too sure whether he knows he has Pneumonia.

I'm going through to the hospital at my normal time tomorrow morning and although I won't see Prof Novitzky and will see Dr Fine and have a chat with her and find out what is happening.  Hopefully the news is not too bad.

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