
Monday, 25th August

And just when we thought summer was coming, after waking up to 20 degrees this morning and berg winds, there has been a snow warning issued for the remainder of this week.  It has already started storming outside.

Jimmy had chemo this morning and WOW, did those Neupogen injections do their job!!  I have never been so nervous about doing something but it was definitely worth it.  His white blood cell count went up from 1.8 to 15.6 - this is 4.6 higher than the normal range.  His Basophils dropped from 9.0 to 0.8 (range is 0.0 to 0.5)  and his Neutrophils went up from 0.80 to 10.06 (range is 2.00 to 7.50).  It could not have happened at a better time.  By Sunday Jimmy was starting to feel really down and said that he couldn't cope with being stuck at home like this much longer.  So on our way home from chemo we popped into Blue Route Mall and did his cell phone upgrade and had some lunch.  Updating and sorting out his phone should keep him busy tonight.

This little baby had me sweating each time I had to inject Jimmy!
On the subject of upgrades....keep this in mind.  When we got home we wanted to do an EFT payment and we could not as Jimmy had done a Sim swap when he upgraded his phone.  As the bank account is registered to his cell phone he receives the TVN numbers etc and as a security precaution you cannot receive these confirmations to your phone for the first 36 hours after a Sim swap, which means you cannot load a new beneficiary or do a once off payment.  A bit frustrating but a good security feature.

We had a lovely surprise on Friday evening....Wayne and Samantha from KZN were in CT and came to visit.  It was awesome to see you again :)  Thanks to Ant and Kathi for popping in on their way home from the golf weekend in Langebaan  and then we ended the weekend off with a lovely family walk around the block on Sunday afternoon so that Jimmy could get some fresh air.

And now I have a favour to ask;  Allot of our friends that I bump into keep telling me that they read the blog and would love to comment but they can't.  Please could someone comment on today's blog and explain step-by-step how to do this.  Also please let them know if it is necessary to have a gmail or google account.  Unfortunately I can't do any explaining because it is my blog and I am logged in and the home page looks completely different to me as it does to you.  Pat, hopefully we have some help on the way for you xx


Anonymous said...

Hi Viv, you just click on No Comment and this screen comes up and off you type :) it then askes you to select a type and i selected anonymous. Patsy

Vivienne Smith said...

Thanks so much Patsy. Do you have a gmail account? I wondering if this makes a difference?

Anonymous said...

I have logged out and now on this site as if I was someone else. I just clicked 'comment' and the comment box opens and I started typing. You then click on the 'comment as' box. If you have a google account click 'google account' - this would mean you are not anonymous. If you do not have a google account and don't want to open one, you click 'anonymous' but please don't forget to type your name after your comment if you choose this option, otherwise I will not know who it is. Hope this helps and thanks again Patsy. Vivienne

Vivienne Smith said...

Oh....and then you click publish.

Unknown said...

And now I am logged in as Emma, my daughter, who has a gmail account.

Unknown said...

Hi Vivienne.
I also had the red devil chemo and while it never made me sick, my bloodcount would always fall alarmingly low. Neupegen injections always worked their miracle and I could continue my treatments. I am glad that they are working for Jimmy as well.
CANSA Relay For Life Langeberg send a quircky gift to Francois Griesel and Jimmy as well, I am not sure if Jimmy received his?
Good luck for the next chemo session and I would just like to tell you that you are an AWESOME AMAZING caregiver!! Survivors could do with people like you in there lives.
Regards from a survivor all the way from Bonnievale.

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