
Saturday, 7th November

Jimmy is going from strength to strength.

Prof Novitzky came to see him this morning and said he still has some inflammation in both his lungs.  His white blood cell count has dropped down again to 2.4 but he says these fluctuation are to be expected.  The pneumonia actually started in one lung and then to the other.  He says that this is probably as a result of the side effects that taking high doses of cortisone long term have on the body.  He feels that we have unsuccessfully tried what we can in the form of medication to get Jimmy's platelets up and he thinks the next step is for Jimmy to have his spleen removed.  So the goal for now is for Jimmy to recover and get strong in preparation for the Splenectomy.

Prof Wilcox also saw Jimmy today and he is happy with his breathing and oxygen levels.  Physio managed to get him out of bed and do 50 on-the-spot steps which he was also impressed about.  He said that Jimmy can be moved to high care on Monday.

And then our exciting, top secret news is that young Ewen arrived from the UK today.  Ewen and Isabel collected him from the airport at 4:30pm and brought him straight to the hospital.  It was so special to see the two of them together.  It has been very hard on Ewen over the last 18 months, while Jimmy has been going through all this hell, living so far away and I believe it will do them both the world of good spending some time together.  I'm just so glad that Jimmy was out of sedation by the time Ewen arrived.

Jimmy had his first proper meal today and watched quite a bit of the cricket.  You know what I always say......he is feeling better if the sports channel is on.


Unknown said...

After watching the cricket he will not be feeling so great, better switch it off, glad to see there is improvement.

Julie said...

Soooooooo thrilled to read about Jimmy's steady improvements!!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

best news!!! and so glad to hear that little Ewen is there with him, onwards and upwards!!! x

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