
Tuesday, 3rd November

Jimmy is still on the ventilator and in a medically induced coma. Yesterday and 3pm his temperature spiked again and this morning there is no further change.  His temperature is also still up.  The biggest hurdle we face at the moment is that his body needs to fight the pneumonia and septicemia but his white bloods, haemoglobin and platelets are so low they can't.

Jimmy has a whole team of people seeing to him.  Prof Novitzky is treating him on the Myeloma side of things and he has a doctor who is seeing to Jimmy.  Prof Wilcox who is a pulmonary specialist is also part of the team and he also has a doctor looking after Jimmy as well as the ICU doctor.  They have conveyed to me that Jimmy's condition is very serious.

It was wonderful to see the staff from the chemo clinic as well as F4 pop in yesterday to come and see him.  That's Jimmy....wherever he goes he makes friends.

I spent the day with him yesterday holding his hand and talking to him and telling him about all your messages and that he needs to be strong because we are all praying for him.  I don't know if he can hear me and I keep wishing that he will squeeze me hand or his eyelids will flicker but I know that he has to be resting like this to get better.

Thanks so much for all your support


Unknown said...

Stay strong Viv, Jimmy has already proved he is a fighter, and now he is doing round two , and he will through. He has golf on his mind. keep well Viv our thoughts are with you and Jimmy

Anonymous said...

Viv and Family you are in our thoughts and pray for Jimmy's recovery soon. Be strong for him.
Melt and Rina

Unknown said...

Jimmy is constantly in our thoughts and prayers, try to be as positive as you can be Vivienne, no doubt Jimmy knows you are there and he'll fight to recover from this for you and his wonderful family... Billy and Celeste x

Anonymous said...

Be strong Viv and remember everyone is praying for you both, I'm sure Jimmy will pull through once again, just keep your strength up and we both send tons of love hugs light and prayers. xxxxxxxxx
Carol and Tom

Julie said...

OMG Viv, I am so sorry to read Jimmy's status, but he is young and has battled so much so far, so his body will surely rebound, especially with all the great medical care you describe. Wow, how did all this start and escalate? I'll have to reread your posts. I'm thinking about you 2 constantly, and hoping, wishing, praying for his body's healing. Love and supportive hugs to you both!!! xoxo

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