
Monday, 16th June

Just  a quick long weekend update....

We've been taking Jimmy's temperature every couple of hours the whole weekend and although he still has a cold he's temperature never went above 36. 1 and by this afternoon he was feeling much better so I think we are safely out of the woods..

Some more very good news is that he hasn't taken any pain killers, Coxflam or nausea tablets for two days.  This is a definitely a  sign that the site of the tumour in  his spine is decreasing.  Obviously the Myelome  is our biggest concern but Jimmy's pain is what was mostly affecting his quality of life and chemotherapy is making a huge difference now.

Tomorrow we have chemo again and if his white blood count is down then the treatment will be done with a drip and he'll also have the extra orange chemo. We are holding thumbs he has no side effects this time around and hopefully we can go away for the weekend next weekend.  Jimmy is looking forward to a bit of  a change in scenery.

We spent a quiet Father's Day at home, I made lunch and Jimmy's parents joined us.  We had a terrible storm here on Saturday night and the wind was so strong that it blew our solar panels off our roof and they landed in our neighbour's garden.

Wishing you all a good week, a short one!  And thinking of our children writing exams, one week closer to the end of the term.

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